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Jarvis: Stars on Sunday (song)

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How can a child grow up to be straight and tall
in this poor imitation of life?
Oh, it's no good at all
No Christmas illuminations
dance in their eyes
They were sold off to Patnicks
Oh, what a surprise

Gaze into the sky
Maybe we can get there one day
Meanwhile we spend our time
watching Stars on Sunday

Sing hallelujah for the old folks
Balling the jack in a granny flat
Singing the songs that they used to sing
But where is the sense in that?

The chicken has flown the basket
and is now cooped up indoors
Someone is crying deep in the night
Just what are we living for?

Gaze into the sky
Maybe we can get there one day
Meanwhile we spend our time
watching Stars on Sunday

Watching Stars on Sunday

Watching Stars
Watching Stars on Sunday

Ba de ba ba be-ba-de ba ...


Stars on Sunday

Gaze into the sky / Maybe we can get there one day / Meanwhile we spend our time / watching Stars on Sunday
Stars on Sunday perhaps refers to a religious TV show produced by Yorkshire Television between 1969 and 1979 and broadcast in an early Sunday evening slot. It was described as a religious variety show and often featured celebrity guests. Stars on Sundae (later renamed Stars on Sunday) also refers to series of concerts featuring local Sheffield bands held at the Crucible Studio Theatre in 1982 and 1983.


They were sold off to Patnicks / Oh, what a surprise
Patnicks was a large junk shop in Sheffield.

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