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Pulp: O.U. Tour

Tour to promote the O.U. single released on 25th May 1992.



Tour competition

During the tour, on each night, a password was displayed behind the T-shirt stand. The person who wrote in with the most correct passwords received a prize. This prize included a set of postcards, written by the band during the tour. These postcards can be viewed below: thanks to the competition winner, Jason Antcliffe, for sharing them.

The winning passwords were: flaccid / bonjela / parsons / technopentioner / spangles

(Click the images to enlarge.)

6th May - The Powerhaus, London

11th May - The Leadmill, Sheffield

23rd May - The Adelphi, Hull

26th May - The Hibernian, Birmingham

27th May - Underworld, London

28th May - Salford University

29th May - Jericho Tavern, Oxford

30th May - BBC Maida Vale studios (recording Mark Goodier radio session)

4th June - The Waterfront, Norwich

6th June - In the Park 1992, Finsbury Park, London

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