From PulpWiki

So It Started There: kookkydoo

For me, it started when my boyfriend introduced me to this band back in 2018. One day, my boyfriend (who wasn't my boyfriend yet) saw me wearing a David Bowie shirt. He probably noticed I liked music and asked if I knew Jarvis Cocker. I didn't know who he was at the time, so my boyfriend introduced me to Pulp and suggested I listen to the song "Babies."

At first, I didn't really get into it, but a few days later, I decided to give "Something Changed" and "Common People" a try, and I found them to be really awesome. The band was amazing, and each member had their own unique style, especially Jarvis. I loved how he sang like he was telling a story, which was something new for me.

I guess that my "it started."

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