From PulpWiki

So It Started There: Lucy

Back in 1995, I was in Grade 12 and prepared for an entrance exam for university. My friend, she was not from Greece but her Dad was loaded, introduced me Different Class. Then, I fell in love with Pulp. Different Class helped me through the horrible year and Pulp became my all-time favorite band until now. I was in Asia and had no chance to see Pulp's concert; however, Jarvis Cocker came to my hometown, Taipei City, for the SimpleLife Festival in 2008. That was my only chance to see Jarvis Cocker. Now I live in Canada with my little one, what I can do is watch some videos on the Internet. I wish someday I will have a chance to see Pulp's concert in person! WE LOVE PULP!!

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Page last modified on December 06, 2024, at 03:28 AM