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Pulp: 13th October 1994 - Terminal Export, Nancy (live)



  1. O.U. (Gone, Gone)
  2. Lipgloss
  3. Razzmatazz
  4. Acrylic Afternoons
  5. Underwear
  6. His 'n' Hers
  7. Pink Glove
  8. Common People
  9. Joyriders
  10. Do You Remember The First Time?
  11. She's a Lady
  12. Babies
  13. You're a Nightmare


France 3 Nancy recorded footage from this concert for their programme L'heure du cri. The broadcast included excerpts from His 'n' Hers and Underwear, plus a clip from Babies probably filmed before the concert.

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Page last modified on October 12, 2023, at 04:19 PM