From PulpWiki

Site: Upload Quick Reference


  • You can only upload images. Allowed file types: .jpg, .gif and .png
  • Images must not be greater than 1.5MB in size.
  • Only upload images you have created yourself or have permission to use.
  • It is possible to overwrite existing images, so check the filename doesn't already exist in the list below.
  • Try to use descriptive filenames.

How to upload an image:

  1. Press the "Browse" button above and locate the image you want to upload. It must be saved on your own computer.
  2. If necessary, the filename can be changed using the 'Name file as' box.
  3. Press the "Upload" button to upload the file. A message should then appear either indicating the upload was successful or informing you of an error.

After uploading

  • To refer to the uploaded image within a wiki page enter Attach:filename.jpg, where filename.jpg is the name of your file.
  • If you used an 'Attach:' link to reach this page, then follow this link to return to the page you were editing.

Existing uploads

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Page last modified on February 04, 2025, at 02:14 PM