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jazzmine 26 Oct 07 12:31

Anyone know what P.T.A. is about?

Will 27 Sep 07 19:19

All the new information on the studio sessions pages was kindly given to me by Mark Sturdy.

The This is Hardcore studio information is still not as detailed as what we have for most other sessions, so any extra information would certainly still be appreciated.

? 26 Sep 07 17:46

Did Lorraine Francis provide the recent, additional This Is Hardcore recording information? And what about the lists of instruments for various sessions you've added? Great work by the way.

Gab Mackey 4 Aug 07 15:52

I need information about deseperate^s Djs!!!!

Lorraine Francis 4 Jun 07 14:59

Ok. I will get my head together with Pete Lewis (the engineer) and we'll let you know if we manage to dust the cobwebs off to contirbute anything.

? 30 May 07 21:50

Wow...really? Dates for the sessions and the names of songs that were demoed and their dates would be great like the official site seems to have for every other Pulp album(!) here:

Lorraine Francis 26 May 07 14:04

Will, I worked on the TIH sessions, I was the assitant on them. What sort of info are you looking for?

? 21 May 07 21:32

Will, re the TIH sessions, I think I posted a thread on Bar Italia a couple of years back asking why details were so scant and Mark Sturdy had more information on them which he said he didn't have rooom to fit in his memory of it is very hazy but it might be worth asking him.

Will 29 Apr 07 21:32
I've now added a list of recent changes to the 'talk' pages at the bottom of the Recent Changes page.  This should make it easier to keep track of talk page comments and questions.

Will 29 Apr 07 21:30

The differences you noticed were mostly just mistakes, which I've now corrected.  Thanks for pointing them out.

I'm still working on the recording sessions pages.  The This is Hardcore LP sessions are going to be the most difficult because very little official information has been released about them.

alphi 29 Apr 07 19:09
Thank you for putting more infos about the recording sessions. But there are some informations which are different from the official website:
Please can you explain those differences ? I've put some notes on the talk pages.

Will 3 Jan 07 0:11
It's still there - you can find it here.

? 2 Jan 07 22:39
Hello, I'm looking for the comic strip about common people. Yesterday I found it, today, it simply disappeared...can you help me?

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Page last modified on October 25, 2011, at 04:58 PM