Where It Started…  Ash L.

I’d first heard of Pulp in the car with my mom in maybe ‘22? (I know, I’ve not been a fan long, but I haven’t been alive very long either). At the time my younger sister was really obsessed with Blur, and despite only knowing them, kept claiming she loved Britpop. So, of course, I’m in the car with my mom, (sans my sister, however,) and she shuffled a Britpop playlist. I remember a song from His ‘N’ Hers coming on, and I don’t remember which one, probably Babies. That was my introduction to Pulp. Of course because of streaming services I’m able to listen to Pulp whenever I want. So I’m slowly gaining interest and for a while my favorite song is I Want You. I have a vivid memory of thinking about how much I loved Pulp, and then thinking ‘shoot, but my birthday was yesterday.’ Inconvenient timing, but luckily my birthday is the very last day of August so I consider September 1st to be the anniversary of liking Pulp. They’ve been my favorite band since. So it started there. A bit later I’ve taken an interest in collecting CDs because streaming services aren’t really that great. Turns out that in my mom’s dusty old collection she had Different Class, despite not caring about Pulp. Only after she died did I realise the probable reason as to why she would have Different Class even if she didn’t like Pulp. I remember she only really liked Mile End. So, my guess is that she watched Trainspotting and heard Mile End. She either 1) decides to look more into Pulp because of how good the song is, or 2) Try to buy the album it’s on only to find out it’s on the deluxe version. Either way I end up with both Different Class and the Trainspotting soundtrack. In this day and age, and especially in America, it’s near impossible to find Pulp stuff anywhere, and I feel my life would be drastically different if my mom hadn’t went out and bought Different Class when she did and as of now I’ve got 4 Pulp albums. My story’s nowhere near as cool or interesting as most others up here, but everything has to start somewhere.

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