Maureen (promo video)


  • Recorded: Late 1984 / early 1985
  • Filmed by: 'Someone from Sheffield Art College'
  • Location: Unknown
Jarvis' comments in Disco-very:

Hmmm. I guess that this was made somewhere around the start of 1985. It was shot on video so it looks pretty horrible. Someone at Sheffield Art College helped us do it. The song is about someone who gets a sexual thrill out of being run over by the woman he is in love with. It was a fast song, but when we'd finished we realised that everything we'd filmed was completely static, so we ended up editing very fast in an attempt to make it exciting. It didn't work. It does feature nude torso shots of all the male members of the band though!

Page last modified on September 08, 2007, at 05:20 PM