Below are some ideas about what needs adding to this site and what to ought be improved. Feel free to add more suggestions.
Some of the suggestions below would require a lot of time and effort to complete entirely, but you don't have to do everything, just add a small part and then let others expand on it.
Profiles for all band members past and present.
Finish off the timeline.
For some songs in would be good to have an introductory description - e.g. some key facts; put them in context; what do they sound like?; what are they about?; what inspired them? etc.
Transcribe more radio and TV interviews.
For concerts, add details about official and unofficial recordings that exist.
It would be good to have a page that lists places mentioned in songs with descriptions, photos and so on. This could maybe also include other places, especially in Sheffield, that have Pulp connections.
Add some background info about Relaxed Muscle.
Add more notes and trivia to the individual song and discography pages.
Add a page about Mark's Little Stabs at Happiness club night
If you have any interesting memories of a Pulp concert, or flyers, or setlists, or photos - add these to the relevant pages.
In general, the news, TV, radio, discography and concert pages all regularly need keeping up to date.