Bob Lind (the only way is down) (song)

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When you think you're treading water
but you're just learning how to drown
And a song comes on the radio
telling you that "The Only Way is Down"

You're out of luck
You're out of time
Get out of here
Your lover just traded you in
for the very same model but a,
a much more recent year

It will not stop
it will get worse from day to day
'til you admit that you're a fuck-up like the rest of us

Oh, that's the time you fall apart
That's the time the teardrops start
And that's the time you fall in love again
Yeah, that's the time you fall in love again

The recreational pursuits that made you shine have worn you thin
And it's oh so fine getting out of your mind
as long as you can find your way back in

You want someone to screw your brains out
I'd say they're running out of time
and they'd only go and cut themselves on the
the daggers of your mind

Yeah, this is your future
This is the sentence you must serve
'til you admit that you're a fuck-up
like the rest of us

Oh, that's the time you fall apart
That's the time the teardrops start and
that's the time you fall in love again

When you've had enough, when you've had too much
When you got knocked down and you never got up
Well, that's the time you fall in love again

Oh, when you walked into the room
I could not breathe, I could not speak
Please can I hide myself inside you?
As far inside as it's possible to be

Can you assist me?
I could not make it on my own
Can I give you all the love I have?
It's not much, but I'll try and raise a loan

I have no pride left
No, no there is nothing I'm trying to prove
Oh no, I am a fuck-up; just the same as you

Oh, I guess this is where I fall apart
and I guess this is where the teardrops start
but I don't care 'cos I just fell in love again

And I'd had enough - well, far too much
I just fell down, could you please help me up?
'Cos if you help me maybe I could fall in love again

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na...
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na...
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na...
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na...

Jarvis' comments

There was this bloke in the late 60s called Bob Lind. One of his most famous songs is Elusive Butterfly, which was one of my favourites when I was younger. Something about the sound of this song made me think of him. It's about someone who is a fuck-up. And sometimes there's something good about admitting that. Most people who are famous and wealthy tend to be more fucked up than everybody else.

Bob Lind he writes quite, kind of, sweet songs but then they've often got quite negative words. For instance, there's a song of his called Remember the Rain, which is basically saying: "Remember the rain, when you walk in the sunshine." It's saying: "Oh right, you might be having a good time now, but listen, you will be having a shit time soon." - which is a pretty negative thing to write about and yet it's quite a nice, jangly little tune. So that song reminded me of him a bit. So Bob Lind was just a working title, but then as sometimes happens, I couldn't think of a better one, so I just left it. And he did get in touch the other day, and said "I'm gonna sue". No, he didn't - he got in touch, and he seemed to be quite flattered that somebody had remembered him.


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Page last modified on October 02, 2009, at 10:27 PM